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If you’ve ever wondered what to do with zucchini, here’s a way to have that veggie and enjoy it too! This savory dish puts zucchini to work by soaking up a smokey, rich sauce on every twisting forkful.
You’ll find our romesco sauce recipe brings the heat and the creamy flavor all in one delish summer supper.
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Zucchini Noodles With Greek Yogurt Romesco Sauce
If you’ve ever wondered what to do with zucchini, here’s a way to have that veggie and enjoy it too! This savory dish puts zucchini to work by soaking up a smokey, rich sauce on every twisting forkful.
You’ll find our romesco sauce recipe brings the heat and the creamy flavor all in one delish summer supper.
If you’ve ever wondered what to do with zucchini, here’s a way to have that veggie and enjoy it too! This savory dish puts zucchini to work by soaking up a smokey, rich sauce on every twisting forkful.
You’ll find our romesco sauce recipe brings the heat and the creamy flavor all in one delish summer supper.
Combine roasted red peppers, toasted almonds, garlic, smoked paprika and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a blender or food processor and pulse to form a thick paste.
Add Greek yogurt and blend until the mixture has a smooth, saucy consistency.
Heat remaining tablespoon of oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini noodles and cook, stirring occasionally, until cooked through, about 5-7 minutes.
Lower heat to a simmer and add sauce, tossing until the sauce is evenly distributed and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Garnish with ricotta salata cheese crumbles and fresh basil before serving.