Greek Yogurt and Lactose Intolerance
Does Greek yogurt have lactose? The answer is yes. And, that is because yogurt is dairy. But thanks to its unique makeup, many people with lactose intolerance can enjoy it too. Because of its straining and fermentation processes, Greek yogurt has less lactose than regular yogurt, milk and even ice cream. Its live and active cultures help break down the lactose it contains, making it easier to digest.
The Lactose in Greek Yogurt: Does Greek Yogurt Really Have Lactose?
If you’re lactose intolerant, you might wonder: Should people who are lactose intolerant eat yogurt? As it is made from cow's milk, Greek yogurt does contain dairy. However, Greek yogurt has less than 1 gram of lactose per ounce—less lactose than milk and about half the lactose of some other yogurts. Yet just like regular and Icelandic yogurts, Greek yogurt contains live and active cultures (aka “good bacteria”) that aids in overall digestion and also helps break down more lactose than it brings into the body.
Think of it this way: Lactose is a natural sugar in milk made up of two simple sugars, glucose and galactose. Lactose intolerance happens when we don’t make enough lactase—the natural enzyme that breaks lactose down into these two simpler sugars. That’s when yogurt’s live and active cultures step in and help. But if you’re still averse to Greek yogurt with lactose, know that many stores sell lactose-free Greek Yogurt.
Can Lactose Intolerant People Eat Yogurt?
Yes, people who are lactose intolerant can enjoy yogurt! The best yogurt for lactose intolerance typically includes lactose-free options specially processed to remove or break down lactose to make yogurt easier to digest.
The Nutrients in Greek Yogurt: Is Greek Yogurt Good for Lactose Intolerance?
There are many reasons to enjoy Greek yogurt—from its thick and tangy flavor to its nutrition and its versatility. It offers nine essential nutrients like calcium, zinc and vitamin B12 and is also packed with high-quality protein. On average, plain Greek Yogurt has more than 16 grams of protein in a 6-ounce serving helping you stay fuller longer.
That’s part of why Greek yogurt is a perfect lactose-friendly substitute for mayo, oil, cream cheese and more. Greek yogurt is the perfect flavorful addition to breakfast and game day chip and dip spreads.
Lactose-Free Greek Yogurt: Can People Who Are Lactose Intolerant Have Yogurt?
While Greek yogurt contains some lactose, there are also lactose-free options. It is still real dairy, just without the lactose. Available in a variety of flavors, lactose-free Greek yogurt still has the beneficial cultures and nutrients you’ll find in regular Greek yogurt, so you can continue enjoying supreme flavor and extreme health benefits without missing a beat.
Concerned About The Lactose in Greek Yogurt? Don’t Worry—Here’s What You Should Know
Symptoms of lactose intolerance may include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea. If you’re experiencing this, you can go to a physician to confirm whether you have lactose intolerance—a self-diagnosis isn’t always accurate. If you are lactose intolerant, a registered dietitian can help you understand options tailored to your level of tolerance.
The good news is most people with lactose intolerance can often tolerate small amounts of lactose (especially as part of meals or snacks). Try including dairy foods with little-to-no lactose, or pairing Greek yogurt with your meals as it's easier to digest in small portions. Then, gradually increase your portion sizes to find a comfort level. You can try this method with all dairy products! Check out this chart to learn more about the amount of lactose in each type of dairy food.